Sunday, April 09, 2006

Limbeck at Mad Planet

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The show was scheduled to start at 9:00 PM., but it was running late. To pass the time, I talked with various members of Limbeck. The band's friendly, optimistic stage presence isn't a front. All the guys in the band, including John Cheese, were a plesure to meet. Drummer Jon Phillip, the newest member of the band, is from Milwaukee. So in a sense, this was a home show. During the set, you could see Jon's friends and family converge near the front of the stage.

I was excited to see that Limbeck was carrying Hi, Everything's Great on vinyl. John Cheese, the band's tour manager, explained that Let Me Come Home, the band's newest album, will soon be out on vinyl. Currently, there is some difficulty with the label on its release.

Rachael Cantu joined Limbeck for this tour. Rachael has realeased a solo CD and was the back up vocals in Limbeck's song In Ohio on Some Steps. She played a short solo set and also performed a few songs with the band.

Although the venue, Mad Planet, was pretty cool, there were more ridiculous drunks in the crowd than I have ever seen at any Chicago show. Is drinking a prerequisite for living in Milwaukee?

Either way, Limbeck always puts on a great show and since this is Jon Phillip's home town, the band played an extra long set. The show didn't get out till almost 2:00 A.M.

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